Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017 (Tuesday) A Quiet Corner

QUIET---no activity

OUR CORNER--It is just Glen and me.

Marcella left Sunday morning in the truck to meet a friend near San Antonio.  Jeff left in the motorhome this morning to meet Marcella at Rockdale TX, north and east of San Antonio.

We checked the gates all afternoon to make sure Bonnie(the terrier) didn't get out.  Sigh.  Bonnie left with Jeff.

Bonnie might be ready to drive!

Glen and I spent a somewhat quiet week end in the motorhome.  We both fought another bout of sinusitis, stuffiness, headache, and lots of blowing.  Yesterday we began feeling much better, and today, almost well.

However, Jeff also was showing symptoms of the same "stuff" as he left.  Here's hoping it doesn't get him down, and Marcella has to drive!! 😉

Our friends Fred and Gay left last Friday morning going to their home in Oklahoma.

Jam Sessions on Monday night and Thursday afternoons are on hold until next winter.  There is one more Tuesday night session.

Sunday after worship service there was a pot luck lunch at church.  As always there is lots of good food and fellowship. Glen didn't go.

There were several rain showers throughout last week.  Enough to make the "grass" grow and be green.  Glen may even mow tomorrow.

Trisha, our daughter, with her younger son, Tanner; choosing classes for Tanner's Senior Year.   It is the last planning session for Tanner's high school.

Trisha's family reached a milestone today.  She and her younger son Tanner attended the LAST planning session for high school.  Tanner chose classes for his senior class (class of '18).  

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