Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March 8, 2017 Day Trip (Falcon Lake, Salineno, tX)

This morning we headed south on Highway 83, going to Salineno, TX.  There is a bird sanctuary along the Rio Grande River at Salineno, TX.  

We learned from the sanctuary host that many of the winter birds have headed north.  Is winter over?

Altamira Oriole

Do you see the long-billed thrasher?

Golden Fronted Woodpecker

I like the colors in the Altimira Oriole!
We turned off Highway 83 at "El Tigre", a branch of Falcon Lake.  This is the gate we went through to go to El Tigre.  At the end of the road is a gathering of permanently-located mobile homes/RV's.  There is a boat launch making it a good spot for fishermen.  But, it is 6 miles off the highway, at least 15 miles from the nearest town.

Don't be seen; hide; close the gate!!!

The next stop was Falcon State Park just above the Dam on Falcon Lake.  Here's a few unusual sights in the park!

Yuccas are beginning to bloom.

This is an Alligator Gar.  The fishermen were happy for us to take a picture.

As tall or taller than Glen!  See the tiny catfish next to the gar's head.  

This is a javelina--not in the pig family!  Javelina are usually in a  family group; emits a skunk-like odor; eats anything including prickly pear cacti or small animals.

We enjoyed a puffy taco lunch at Caro's in Rio Grande City; then went to Walmart.  I didn't have a list but bought things for the pantry! 

It began raining while we were in Walmart. Going home we drove through hard rain for 40 or so miles.  However no rain in Zapata.  Maybe tomorrow.

P.S.  Mexican/Catholic families keep cemeteries decorated.

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