Saturday, April 29, 2017

4-29-2017 Still WET: Saturday night

It was raining this morning--as it has since a week ago Thursday--as we went to the volleyball games.  I didn't take the camera.  

Ashlynn is gaining in confidence while playing.  After serving five serves in a row, the player/server rotates over.  Ashlynn did that in two of the three games.  At this level if a player can serve it over the net it is a sure point.  Not often is there a return of the ball back over the net.

It is Saturday night, 10:30 p.m.  There has been 10.18" of rain since a week ago Thursday.  Since midnight there has been 1.28".  And, rain is forecast through the night and all day Sunday.  Rescues/evacuations are being carried out here in southeast Missouri and across the Mississippi River into southwest Illinois.

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