Sunday, May 7, 2017

May 7, 2017 Sunday A busy Saturday (Still at Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau MO)

The days before Saturday were "same song, different verse!"

Rain, rain, and more rain.

The neighboring counties, cities, and farms have suffered indescribable damage. Van Buren and Doniphan MO endured record crests, sending buildings, homes, cars down the river.  The Mississippi River crested last night at the sixth record level.

Yesterday morning Ashlynn finished her third/fourth grade volleyball season.

Ashlynn in action.

Zade, Darin, Ashlynn, Sarah

Glen, Zade, Gayla, Ashlynn

After the games we drove to Iberia MO, which is located near Lake of the Ozarks.

My "baby" brother Mark, the youngest of us four Whittle kids, retired after 37 years with the US Postal Service.    His route mirrored the route our grandfather drove as a mail carrier some decades before.  He worked from the Brumley, MO (Population 80?) post office.  He drove over 100 miles daily on a gravel road plus highway miles; totaling over a million miles those 37 years.  Before steel-belted tires came on the market, he sometimes had 4 flats in a day.  He replaced countless brake pads/drums on his right-handed drive Jeep.  He went out of his way to be sure he had happy "customers".  He delivered mail six days a week.

How, you may ask, will he fill his time? ? Don't worry.  He is father to two daughters, grandfather to six, four of whom are sports' stars (the other two are too young).  He farms 300+ acres, cattle and hay; he is a First Responder, a member of various county boards, etc.  

His daughters planned a "surprise" party for him.  He was actually surprised and speechless--which is a first for him!  It was grand being a part of his celebration.
I apologize for the quality, but the look on his face was priceless.  Click to enlarge.

Daughters: Megan and Amy; Mark, wife Becky

Jan, Mark, and Gayla.  Brother Ronnie was unable to join us.  

Becky and Mark

We are looking forward to this next week.  Sunshine is in the forecast!!

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