Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 3017. Heading North (Camp Lakewood, Effingham Indiana)

Departure was delayed this morning when the roof satellite would not stow. A search did not locate a manual.  There was an error code flashing on the box.  I located the website that displayed a toll free number.  Glen talked to a very efficient technician that talked Glen through the procedure necessary to reset everything.  Success! The satellite stowed flawlessly.  P.S. The tech told Glen a manual did not come with the satellite,  Everything is on line.

After fueling the motor home we were on the road an hour after originally planned.

We traveled on interstate highways all day.  We made it through St. Lois at four, just before rush hour.. we traveled through Illinois entering into Indiana.

Just west of Effingham we ran into road construction that delayed us about 45 minutes.

It is about another six hours tomorrow before reaching Argos Indiana.  We will be able to attend the visitation tomorrow evening.

As we traveled north we were able to enjoy dogwoods in bloom as well as redbuds most of the day.

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