Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 2017 Finally, Enough Time (Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

No Extra Minutes!  

Literally, no time to sit down and write a blog since last Friday.

Thursday we were on the bumpy road all day.  We stopped in Camp Lakewood Campground, Effingham, Illinois for the night.    

Friday morning we were on the road early in order to be near Argos Indiana in the afternoon.

We checked the Campground directory for that area and learned that most campgrounds do not open until the end of April.  We did find a park, Hoffman Lake Camp, Warsaw, IN, that opened that day that was only 15 miles from our friends' home/church.

Visitation started at 3:00.  We arrived at 3:50 and stood in line for two and half hours.  It was quite a tribute to the family that so many people were there.  We learned that the family didn't leave until 11:30 that evening.

Friday morning we left the rv park, driving the RV to the town of Argos, leaving the rig in a parking lot, then going on to the church.

Again the church was full, with extra chairs in place.  Our friend Davy was an extraordinary person.  Because of health issues he was only able to work for 15 years.  He had the time to meet and visit with people.  He is gone from this earth but his legacy will remain for a long time.

After the service we prepared to get back on the road, heading to Cape Girardeau, Mo, home of our son Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn, and Zade.

It was a "short" seven hour trip.  The entire trip we were treated to the beautiful blooming dogwood and redbud trees as well as various blooms in the well manicured yards.

Sunday we attended church with the family, shared lunch, enjoyed naps, and caught up with the various activities we missed through the summer.

Yesterday, Monday, Ashlynn and Zade were not in school; we spent the day with them.  Zade loves games.  We played Spades (with he and Ashlynn), rummy, Hearts and Spite and Malice (on my iPad).  

Ashlynn did a lot of reading.  She finished "Where the Red Fern Grows".  She will be tested on it today at school.

I had forgotten the joys of "hiding Easter eggs'!  It was a drizzly day outdoors.  We hid in the house (plastic) eggs for Zade; he hid for us; then we had for Ashlynn.  

Made and Ashlynn in their Easter finery!

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