Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017 April Showers

"April showers bring May flowers!"

Something will be blooming soon as there has been steady rain since yesterday afternoon.  The total is 2.11", complete with thunder and lightning.

Max, the family dog belonging to Darin/Sarah, Ash and Zade, has missed Darin/Sarah more than Ashlynn and Zade put together.  

Last night Max was not allowed in any of the bedrooms because she has whined all night.  Last night was not any better as she walked the hallway whining at each door.  Max was excited to see her adult people when they arrived tonight.

Darin and Sarah arrived, tired and worn, right on schedule tonight.  They aren't ready to move to New Jersey yet 😬--too many people.  

We visited with Gary/Evelyn, Jeff/Marcella today until time to pick up Ashlynn and Zade at school.

Are you able to speculate/guess what the first thing that happened?  Music.  Did you guess that?  Marcella and Evelyn played their guitars and they all sang.  Of course there was lots of visiting going on between each song.  

Tomorrow morning Ashlynn has two volleyball games and two of Marcella/Jeff's granddaughters have two games each.  A busy morning.

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