Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 22, 2017 (Saturday) A Little Volleyball, a Little Nap, A Little Fish Fry

Marcella (Glen's next younger sister) and Jeff have a daughter Beth who has four children and lives here in Cape Girardeau.  Whew! what an involved explanation.

Ashlynn and her cousins (Beth's daughters) Addison, Sydney all had two volleyball games yesterday morning.

Watching 3rd-4th grade volleyball is painful and entertaining.  Most points accumulated is from serves  that get over the net as most of the other team can't return the ball.  Servers get the points.  

The coaches are either high school or college players.     Enough said.  OK, I will say there aren't many skills being taught.

Ashlynn's team lost both games; Addison's team was 1-1; Sydney's team 0-2.

Gary and Evelyn were very good sports and went with the family to watch the games.  

After a stop at Walmart, we returned to our RV home.  I made up a double batch of hush puppies.  There was time for a nap before going to Beth's for a family fish fry.

Crappie Jeff caught in Texas were the main course of the meal.  What was cooked hardly made a dent in the amount in the freezer.  Jeff does a great job of frying them.  All of the side dishes added to the enjoyment of the meal.

It is now Sunday morning.  The rain has stopped with 3.25" total rain fall since Thursday afternoon.  It remains cloudy with a 20 mph north wind, and a temp of 48 degrees.  

I am not sure what is on the agenda for today.  Jeff and Marcella have gone to St. Louis to assist their son/wife in a move from an apartment to a house.

The RV park is full.  There is an Airstream rally gathered here.

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