Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017 (Sunday) Big Surprise

Jeff and Marcella left early this morning to travel to St. Louis to spend time with their son and family.

Before lunch Evelyn, Gary, Glen and I drove to PineLeaf Azalea Gardens about 15 miles from here.  We were about 4 days and 3 inches of of rain late for the peak bloom.  There was evidence of blooms but the pounding rain and winds had played havoc with the garden.

It was still a beautiful drive through the rolling hills to the garden.

After lunch we drove to the Mississippi River.  The Mighty Mississippi is rolling fast, not quite out of the banks but full of spring rains.

The Bill Emerson Bridge across the Mighty Mississippi--Illinois on the left; and Missouri on the right.

One big barge traveling north.  It appeared to be a petroleum storage barge.

Mid afternoon we were walking to Gary/Evelyn's rig.  Glen stops and says, "look at that rig.  Is that Jim and Dee?"  We quickly determined it was.  Jim and Dee are our neighbors in Zapata.  They also traveled to Alaska with us in 2014.  

Yes,  they knew we are parked in this park.  Yes, they knew Jeff and Marcella also are here; but they did not know Gary and Evelyn were also here.  We had a great visit with them.  They are on their way to Wisconsin and will depart in the morning.  What a great surprise!

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