Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4, 2017 (Tuesday) (Lakeview RV Resort, Houston TX) COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS

Count your blessings. 

How many times have you sung that in church?  We did this past Sunday.

Sitting in the many waiting rooms at MD Anderson Cancer Center will encourage one to do that very thing.

CANCER.  Such an ugly word. There are many forms and stages of that word.

Blessing number One..
Being a part of God's family.  The love and support and concern that is shown takes away the raw edge of fear.

Blessing Number two.
Doctors. Hospitals.  
There have been no hospital stays associated with Glen's cancer. However as we sit in the various waiting rooms at MD Anderson we can see the patients that have been here for days, months, years. See the various head coverings. Blankets wrapped around the bony shoulders of someone in need of heat and warmth. Pain radiating from eyes.   Note the various face masks that protect the patient from that germ that might take them down because their body no longer has the immune system to fight.

Doctors that specialize in the various types of cancers, who speak with concern in their voice and see the patient in small rooms or even in the waiting area itself are a blessing.  

Don't forget Hospitals that research, who treat, who have the latest up to date equipment, whose employees are caring, tender and can find the most difficult vein without pain.

Don't forget those students who are learning to erase and eradicate the very name of Cancer.

Blessing Number three.
Family and friends that accompany a patient. That family member carries a bag that has water, a jacket, a snack, something to read, and most of all listens to the updates, the newest plan of action, the good news, the bad news. 

Be sad for the individual who sits alone.

Blessing Number four.
There is the blessing of early diagnosis.  Glen has only dealt with twice yearly blood tests. We aren't dealing with any type of treatment.  But..that might be in our future someday.  

Get those preventive tests. Watch the diet.  Cut the sugar.  Exercise. We all know what we should do. Make an effort, be determined to care for yourself.     If you live your life not ever being in a cancer hospital, COUNT your blessings.  

Blessing Number five:  cancer that is not "angry!"
Glen's good news:  at the end of this day--Glen's blood levels indicate the CLL is not "angry".  What a descriptive word from the doctor!!  No notable changes in the blood levels/counts.  "See you next year!'  --great news and big blessings.  Thank you for answered prayer.

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