Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5, 2017 (Wednesday) A WINDY Trip (Greenwood, AR)

Wind Alert--all through Texas and Arkansas!  
What a trip.  Glen fought a 20-25 mph west wind all day.  Just now at nearly 9:30 p.m. the wind is dying down.

The last fifty miles there were iris blooming, dogwood in bloom, redbud almost in bloom.  The grass is so-o-o green!  Recent downpours had filled the ponds and streams.  I soaked in all the colors.

Traffic Alert---Houston TX
Oh my!  early morning traffic in downtown Houston is a mess, intense, nearly at a standstill, bumper to bumper!!  Thankfully we were heading "out", going north; traffic thinned  within thirty minutes.  I have said it before, and say it again: we are grateful we never had to live and work in big cities!

Once in Greenwood, we made ourselves at home at the fairgrounds.  We called Tanner, our grandson to find out dinner plans.  We met Trisha and Tanner at the local Mexican restaurant!  After dinner we went to Trisha/Tanner's home.  We enjoyed visiting and catching up for a couple of hours.

Plans were made for tomorrow evening.  

I have an appointment for a massage midday Thursday.  So looking forward to that hour!!

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