Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017 Sunday Prom Night

Yesterday was Prom Night for Natalie.  Natalie is a senior with a month left until graduation.

Natalie's shoes are adorable.

Drew and Natalie

Drew's socks matched the dress!

Poppy Glen, Drew, Natalie, and Grammy Gayla
We are glad we were able to be here to see the finery and beauty of Prom Night.  Natalie is beautiful always, but she shined last night.  Drew is a handsome, fine young man, a wonderful escort.

Brady was home from college this week-end--actually I think most week ends.  I was able to convince Brady and Tanner I needed pictures of them.

Brady and Tanner: facial hair--a sign of the times

Brady, Glen, Tanner

Brady, Gayla, Tanner
Brady is finishing his freshman year at Arkansas Technicial, majoring in electrical engineering and computer engineering.  Tanner is finishing his junior year in high school.  Right now he is talking about a computer major of some sort in college.  

Tanner is about 6'3'' and Brady is 6'5".  

It was a fun afternoon visiting with Trisha and Brady and Tanner.  Jeff was flying for American Airlines.

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