Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017 Thursday Yes! Personal Day

I did mention that I was scheduled for a massage this morning, didn't I???

Oh, yes.  The massage lady found all those tension spots in my shoulders and necks.  The best hour of the day.

Natalie, our (step) granddaughter, a senior/starter soccer player had a game this afternoon in Harrison Arkansas about three hours north of here.  Jeff and Trisha did not have time to drive to the game so they flew in a privately owned plane.  Glen accompanied them. 

I was invited but declined, as expected.  Claustrophobia rears its ugly head at the thought of being in a small plane.  

The game ended 0-1, with Greenwood  losing.

Tanner kept me company while everyone else was at the game.  Tanner taught me a new-to-me card game, which involved slapping the cards at various points in the game.  I don't even remember the name, but it is something he plays with his friends.  It had a lot of rules which he kept adding to as we played the game, causing much laughter.  He is a funny, funny young man!

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