Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017 We are in Iowa (Riverview Country RV, Marshalltown, Iowa)

We had a leisurely start for the trip zig-zagging across Iowa, heading south and east to Marshalltown, Iowa.

What did we see between Souix Falls SD and Marshalltown, Iowa?  CORNFIELDS and some Soy Bean fields.  Lots and lots and lots of corn.  The farms were anchored with the house and barns and sheds surrounded by plenty of planted trees forming a wind-and snow break.  There were also several tall silos to hold the harvested grain.

We are slightly east and north of Des Moines, the capitol of Iowa.

Why? you might ask, are we in Marshalltown.

My dad's only surviving sibling, Aunt Lois lives here as well as three of her four children.   When I called cousin Diana I learned that Mike, the fourth child, is here also, with wife Deb, in the same campground as us.  It's a small world.  

By chance Diana and hubby Jerry, James, with whom Aunt Lois lives, and Aunt Lois were coming to visit with Mike and Deb at the campground.  It was a family reunion.  Diana had not told any of the others that we were here.  Surprise!  We crashed the party.

Sharon, the missing daughter, had other plans for the evening.  

We made a date for breakfast in the morning.  Hopefully we will see Sharon then, if not, the tomorrow evening.  

We will do some exploring tomorrow.  

Hope you are having a great week.

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