Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 27-28, 2017 Family Time and Tire Failure (Left Marshalltown IA, Arrive HWH Service Center, Moscow, Iowa)

Tuesday, June 27

We gathered with James, Aunt Lois, Mike and wife Deb for breakfast yesterday morning at a local diner.

We rode into the country, locating a 10-story tree house, hoping to have a tour.  At arrival we learned a reservation is necessary.  No tour.

In the evening we gathered again with Diana, Aunt Lois, James, Mike and Deb, for visiting under the awning of our RV.  It was a great time.

Wednesday, June 28

With a short two hour trip planned today we left about 10:30.  

There was a "hot" smell in the front of the MH, as well a loud thumping noise.  In just ten miles down the road, the noise was very loud, and obviously a tire noise.    Glen pulled over to the side of the road, and discovered the right front tire was coming apart.  It never went flat.

A call to the Roadside Service, CoachNet started the procedure of finding a tire repair company.  In an hour a technician arrived, and proceeded to remove the failed tire, and replace it with the spare that Glen carried in a basement bay.  We were soon on the road.

The only problem:  the spare is 13 years old!  The technician gave Glen a list of tire places in Cedar Rapids, 45 miles to the east.  We drove to "Pomp" Tire Service, purchased a new tire, had it balanced and installed.  Off again!

Tire ready to be removed.

See the damage on the lower portion of the tire.

Another 45 miles east we arrived at 5:30 at "HWH Corporation", the company that manufactures the jacks and slide out mechanisms for the motorhome.  "HWH" will inspect the leveling jacks, and do any necessary repairs.  There are two specific jacks that Glen wants looked at.  We will see what tomorrow brings.

THE SWOPE FAMILY-minus Diana and Sharon

James Swope, Mike Swope, Lois Swope Brown

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