Friday, July 21, 2017

July 21, 2017 "....Into the Wild Blue Yonder!"

The day's destination was the Garden of the Gods, and the summit at Pikes Peak!

The day was sprinkled with much traffic, road construction, road closings, traffic, traffic, and traffic.  This must be peak vacation days!

"Pikes Peak America's Mountain"....14,116 feet elevation; 19-mile highway to the summit!  This is at least the third trip for us to the summit.  The first trip the road was not paved all the way to the summit.  It is now paved!

At the summit the parking lot was filled; ithere was waiting for someone to leave to find a space!

Here's some pictures!

Glen and Gayla

Some snow along the side of the road

All of the flowers were seen along the side of the 19-mile road to the summit of Pikes Peak.

We stopped at Thunderbird Observation Point at the Air Force Academy before leaving for Pikes Peak.  We enjoyed watching glider practice as well as parachute jumping and landing.


Display at Thunderbird Observation Point

Down there is where we land!

I made it!

These are especially for Jeff Schnakenberg!  He is always searching for 'Bigfoot!"

Page 2 of today's blog will have a few pictures of the "Garden of the Gods!"

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