Monday, July 3, 2017

July 3, 2017 Monday....Check Two off the List

The company from which Glen purchased the motor home tire that failed has since moved from Cape Girardeau to Charleston, MO.  

A stop in CG to price a motor home tire followed by the trip to Charleston to deliver the failed tire started the morning. The serviceman is holding the tire for the Michelin man to come by.  He said it was very seldom that they ever had a Michelin tire fail.  We shall see if there is any rebate for the failure.  Check that off the list.

On the return trip to CG Glen stopped at the first tire store to purchase a Michelin RV tire to serve as a spare.  This was the first tire company that had the RV tire in stock.  Glen had looked in Iowa, and called some places here.

After lunch Glen took the 13-year old spare to the first company for disposal.  

We also accomplished the task of medication refills at Walmart.  Check this off the list.

I am also working on the grocery list for the next several days.  Friday we will go to Iberia, Mo, for three nights. Ashlynn and Zade will accompany us.

We will attend the memorial service Saturday for Glen's aunt at the local family cemetery.

Monday we will drive to the annual camp-out/reunion with my dad's family.  The location has moved due to damage from spring floods at Alley Springs National Scenic River Ways site/campground.  We will now be going to a campground near Lebanon, MO.

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