Monday, September 11, 2017

August 31, Thursday, 2017 "A One-Hour Cruise"

This evening our group, minus Jeff and Marcella, who were working, enjoyed a one-hour cruise aboard the "Lake Queen II" on Lake Yellowstone.

The cruise was informative and enjoyable.  the captain/narrator was humorous in his delivery of the Lake history.  (No pictures.)

After the cruise Glen and drove through the many loops of the Bridge Bay campground.  Enjoy a few of the rigs we spotted.

 Trumpeter Swans
In front of the Marina's General Store

Two views of the same rig.  We saw several with sleeping quarters on top of the vehicle.

The green ones are rental rigs from "Google".

One of the things we learned from Jeff and Marcella:  Asian visitors like to "squat" ON the stools, as in using their feet on the edge of the stool.  

It is break time.  More next time!

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