Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 1, and 2 and 3,, 2017 Search for Grizzlies, Waterfalls, and Geysers (Norris and Lower Geyser Basin)

Friday, September 1
We took the day off from sight-seeing.  In the evening we drove to LeHardy Flats where it had been reported grizzlies were dining on a buffalo carcass, and visible from the road.

We watched and searched with binoculars for a couple of hours, but alas! no bear sightings for us.

Saturday, September 2
We explored the Rising Bridge  (over Yellowstone River) area of YNP.  The actual Fishing Bridge is famous.  In the early days of YNP the bridge would actually be lined elbow to elbow with fishermen.  If you have seen any video of early YNP, you will have seen the Fishing Bridge.

We toured the Visitor's Center. ate ;imci at the Fishing Bridge General Store, and filled the pick up at the fuel station.

Sunday, September 3
Today started early with an 8:30 a.m. departure.  We drove nearly 100 miles through the Park.  We saw herds of bison, searched unsuccessfully with the scope for wolves, saw Trumpeter swans, geysers, mud pots, walked boardwalks along geyser basins, drove scenic loops that featured waterfalls and cascades, and enjoyed a picnic lunch along a bubbling river.

After a return in the late afternoon, and a rest time, Glen, Evelyn, Marcella, Doug, and Mildred enjoyed/performed a musical concert.

The evening with Gary grilling brats for the group.  It's always a pot-luck with everyone adding to the meal, whether it is baked beans, chips, salsa, watermelon, and homemade zucchini bread.

 Family picnic: L-Evelyn, Marcella, Mildred, Doug, Gary, Jeff, Gayla

 Algae -colored water at the Norris Geyser Basin

 Norris Geyser Basin

 More from Norris Geyser Basin

 Virginia Cascade
 Bottom of Virginia Cascade

 Norris Geyser Basin

Video from Norris Geyser Basin

 Gayla and Glen with Fireholee Falls in background

 The sibs: Evelyn, Mildred, Marcella, Glen

 Norris Geyser Basin
Firehole Falls

Don't hold me to the specific names of each falls/cascade.  I marked the map where we stopped, but looking at the pictures doesn't always help me remember which is which.  Just enjoy them for what they are...beautiful.

These below were taken at the Lower Geyser Basin.

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