Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017 Moving Day (Greenwood Fairgrounds, AR)

We enjoyed adjusting (sleeping in) to the change in time zones, and 390' elevation.

Mid morning we drove from Walmart to the fairgrounds.  

Using lots of elbow grease Glen cleaned and scrubbed the front windshield of the motor home.  My goodness, we had driven into/through lots of sticky bugs!  The view out the front is now unimpeded!

I got busy and vacuumed, mopped, and cleaned the bathroom, as well as organizing the top of the desk.  

We ate the dinner meal with Jeff, Trisha, and Tanner.  Trisha prepared a ziti pasta casserole which was delicious.  We caught up with Tanner's school activities.

High school is surely different than in my high school era.  My age is showing.

The first hour for Tanner at high school is an online English class that will be credit for both high school and college!!!  

We talked with Jeff about flying and airports in Florida; and Trisha about 9-11.  She taught some sessions to her seventh grade Geography classes.  She realized that she had several students that knew nothing about "9-11".    

We caught up on Natalie and Brady's college activities.  

Trisha and Jeff presented a "surprise" to us.  
Saturday is our 50th wedding anniversary.  They organized a week end for us at Mt. Magazine Lodge, Friday and Saturday nights.  Lodging and meals.  Mt. Magazine is the tallest location in Arkansas.

This was truly a surprise for us.  We are looking forward to exploring this beautiful location.

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