Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 15-17, 2017 Celebration in Paris

Yes, we went to Paris over the week end!!

Paris, Arkansas, that is!  Trisha and Jeff presented us with the necessary certificates for a celebratory week end at the Lodge in Mt. Magazine State Park, Paris AR.

What were were celebrating?  Saturday September 16, was our 50th wedding anniversary!

50 years ago it was a drizzly Saturday.  The crepe paper streamers decorating the church basement were sagging, my mother was in a tizzy!  Glen's cousin and best man, Danny Livingston, came to the rescue, helping my mother restring the crepe paper.

Glen was 20 minutes late to the ceremony.  His parents and siblings came a few minutes later!  I didn't have any doubts but my aunt keeping me company just kept saying, "don't worry, Gayla, he will be here!"

He was and has been by my side for 50 wonderful years.

 The Ouchita Mountains viewed from the back of the Lodge.

 Mt. Magazine State Park Lodge.

The Lodge, rustic but modern decor!

 The butterflies were abundant.

 Do you see the juvenile Greater roadrunner?  In the center of the picture!

 Butterfly banquet.
Another butterfly.
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar feasting on milkweed.
 Another caterpillar.

 Glen did take me to Paris!

Complete with the Eiffel Tower!

The week end getaway was a wonderful surprise from Trisha and Jeff.  Thanks, You Sweeties!

Now, we are working on #51!!!

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