Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 23-24, 2017 Family Time

Both yesterday and today we spent with Trisha, Jeff, Brady, and Tanner.

Saturday Trisha/Jeff and boys worked in their back yard.  We mostly supervised/watched from the shade!

We finished the day by dining at the "Brick Town Brewery" in downtown Ft. Smith.  The food was delicious.  

Today, we met the rest of the family at "La Huerta", a great Mexican grill/restaurant next to the mall in Ft. Smith.  The food was great.

We then journeyed to the Mall for some shopping. 

Glen was looking for and found a new billfold.  In fact they were on sale and he bought two! He is a quick shopper!

Tanner is scheduled for "senior" pictures next month; he is need of new wardrobe items for that session.  Brady was talked into trying on new jeans and shirts.  He is not a shopper at all.  But at the end of the afternoon he had both new shirts and jeans!  

I found some end-of-the-season shirts/tops at Christopher Banks, my favorite clothing store.  

Trisha and Jeff did some shopping at Dillards while Glen, Tanner and me came home.  Brady was traveling around in his "project" truck..  It still has much work to be done but Brady enjoys driving it!

This evening Brady returned to college.  The rest of us shared pizza from "Pizza Hut".  We came home while Trisha and Tanner prepared for the coming school week.  Jeff will be flying Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

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