Sunday, October 1, 2017

September 29, 30, October 1, 2017, Football, Travel, Old Friends (Camelot RV Park, Poplar Bluff MO)

(Departed Greenwood/Sebastian County Fairgrounds, AR Saturday September 29, 2017)

Friday September 29, 2017
We accompanied Jeff and Trisha to the local Greenwood AR High School Football game.  It was a blow-out in Greenwood's favor.  In fact, the state has instituted a "mercy rule" for football.  If there is a certain amount of difference in the score by the time fourth quarter starts, the clock doesn't stop, except for scoring.  The "mercy rule" was in effect for this game.

Even though we did not know anyone playing, it was enjoyable.  The crowd support, the cheerleaders, the band performance, and the student participation added to the enjoyment.

We were able to see Brady after the game; he was home from college.

Saturday, September 30
This was a day of travel, from Greenwood to Poplar Bluff MO.

We retired from PB nearly ten years ago.  

We visited this evening with long-time, dare I say "old" friends, Tom and Donna.  

Sunday, October 1
We worshipped at First Baptist Church this morning, our home church since 1970.  There were still several there that recognized us and were glad to see us!!  And, we still were able to call their names!

Tonight Donna and Tom and several other friends prepared a "pot luck" dinner for long time friend Jim Freedman and son Kyle, wife Jennifer and their four children, as well as Jennifer's parents, sister and six children.  Jennifer's parents/family traveled to PB from the Nashville area.  

We are all gathered to support Jim and Kyle and family in the loss of Jim's wife/Kyle's mother/and grandmother of Kyle's children,  Sandy Freedman.  

Jim and Kyle are preparing a memorial service on Tuesday morning.  Jim was on staff at FBC, PB two different times; the last time was as Pastor to Senior Adults--JOY --Just Older Youth.  

Jim and Sandy, Tom and Donna and us became friends in 1970 and have stayed in contact all these years.  We were all poor and had children at the same time.  There was many an hour/evening spent together eating, playing charades or cards, or keeping someone's children.  At different times there were  three or four other couples in our "group".  Janice and Richard Garrett, now from Carl Junction, MO, retired from Connecticut,  were "in" the group until employment took them out of town in 1972?Richard and Janice will be here tomorrow to reunite with all of us and support Jim and family.  

47-year friendships are to be cherished and celebrated.

Sorry for all the details.  It is on my mind tonight.

Monday afternoon there will be another gathering of friends at FBC as tables will be decorated for the service/JOY gathering Tuesday morning.

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