Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 4 and 5, 2017 Fishing Bridge and Old Faithful

Monday September 4
We drove through the Fishing Bridge area again.

Tuesday, September 5
Today was the day to visit "Old Faithful" area.  BTW: it was 32 degrees this morning with frost.

 Think this is called the "Beehive Geyser".  It erupted longer and taller than "Old Faithful".

Old Faithful is getting ready!

 That she blows!
 Old Faithful
Old Faithful

Old Faithful is not the tallest, or longest geyser to erupt; just the most predictable, and the most well known !   Both Lone Star and the Beehive were more breathtaking, in my opinion!

The last concert/performance: Saturday September 9.  Evelyn, Marcella, Mildred, and Glen

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