Saturday, October 7, 2017

October 7, 2017 "Better Than Usual"

Have you ever carried a "buckeye" in your pocket?  to keep away back pain or arthritis?

Today was the first time I have ever seen a buckeye tree, or a fresh from the hull buckeye.  Ron gave us a tour of his multi-acre property on the side-by-side.  There were an abundance of buckeye trees in the forest.  I also learned from the internet buckeyes and chestnuts (non edible variety) are in the same family.

The tree is all and slender and smooth with leaves similar to a hickory.

All my life I have heard that "buckeyes" are poisonous.  I "googled" buckeyes to find the truth.
"Warning: Ohio buckeye is highly toxic when taken internally.  Poisonous plant:  all parts of the plant (leaves, bark, fruit) are highly toxic if ingested".  A true "old wives' tale"!

What can eat a buckeye?  only a squirrel!

If so inclined, you can make an ointment from a buckeye to ease the pain of rheumatism, rashes, and hemorrhoids:  cover the nuts with a cloth and then crush them with a rolling pin or hammer.  Place them in a pan filled with enough water to cover the nuts."  

Micki prepared a pot of delicious chili.  One of her grandsons told her it "was "better than usual!"  We couldn't comment on the "usual" part, but today's chili was delicious.

It was a grand visit with Ron and Micki, and the two grandsons.  We will be back someday!

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