Friday, October 6, 2017

October 6, 2017 Hotel Rea, Corydon Iowa

We traveled to Corydon, Iowa, today to see the remodeling/restoration of the Hotel Rea, in Corydon Iowa.  My brother Ronnie is one of three working on various projects of the restoration.

 The design for the front porch came from a photo of the original hotel.  Many of these pieces were hand cut.

 Inside the original brick is being brought to view by chipping away at the lathe plaster covering the brick.  (lathe: narrow strips of boards to which the plaster is attached).

 The original woodwork is being stripped.  It will be stained and brought back to the original glory.

 Showing off the original brick, and the tin ceiling being installed.

 More of the ceiling.

 The left arch leads to the original hotel lobby/check in area.  Obviously the right arch leads upstairs.

Another view of the front porch.

Mr. Rea (original owner) did not run the hotel but did own it.  He also owned several other buildings in the city of Corydon.  It originally was a hotel.  After restoration there will be both apartments and hotel rooms in the upper level.  

Downstairs area will serve as an Event Center.  It will be a beautiful place for a small wedding/reception.

I appreciate very much "old" buildings being restored rather than being left to deteriorate or torn down.  The  original craftsmanship is amazing.  

The tour of the hotel was followed by traveling to Ron and Micki's home!  Their place "looks" just like them:  barns and outbuildings, ponds for fishing, woods for trails.  We look forward to more visiting tomorrow.

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