Friday, November 17, 2017

November 14-17, 2017 Repeat after Me: It does not have to all be done in one day! (Arrived Zapata TX)

Yesterday...and today...Glen said "it all doesn't have to be done in one day!"  Repeat and remind!

Referring to cleaning, unloading and getting out stuff once we get to Zapata.  The back of the truck is full of "stuff" that we are bringing to Zapata.  The kitchen is full of "stuff" that was packed last April.  

Yes, it was impossible to resist starting on things.  Glen turned on water, and hooked up electricity to motor home.  All the floor surfaces (outdoor) were filthy/dirty,

I wanted to power wash before we started unloading the first thing.  But....
first Glen had to unload the bikes to get into the back of the truck.  He had to go get fuel for the power washer.  See what I mean.  Stuff to do.  In order.

Glen was working on refreshing the water softener before turning on the hot water heater and I had power washer going when neighbors/friends Jim and Dee came over.  We welcomed the break.

I did get the floor surface in the Outdoor Living Space cleaned, and what a mess.  There must have been lots of wind as the dust turned to mud dried into dirt was everywhere!  At least there will be a clean surface when we start in the morning.

Neighbor and friend Mark had mowed the yard a couple of weeks ago.  No hurry for that job now!

The gazillion million stars are shining brightly tonight.  It was a wonderful evening to sit outdoors and enjoy the breeze.  It is currently 78 degrees at 8:30 pm.

Thursday (we) actually Glen drove 454 miles, stopping at Rockdale TX.  Today the trip was 354 miles.  We started EARLY this morning.  I mean we literally started at 7:30 a.m. Early for us!

We enjoyed seeing and loving our Trisha and Jeff family.  Brady was home over the week end so go to hug him and catch up on college life.  Tanner had homework most evenings; soccer banquet on Tuesday.  Jeff had a four-day flying schedule this week.  Trisha was fighting sore throat--hope she wins that battle.

This is it for this week!  We are here until April.  Life will be normal and usually boring, but that's the way we like it.  I will let you know if exciting adventures occurs.

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