Saturday, November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017 Saturday 'Repeat: It all does not have to be done in one day!" 2nd Verse


But, we worked like we wanted it done in one day!

The outdoor kitchen has been bug-bombed, wiped down, cabinets wiped, and mopped!

The outdoor bath has been bug-bombed, shower cleaned, ready to use, except for mopping.

After power-washing all of the floor surface under roof yesterday, today we started mopping--in sections.  Two-fifths are done.

Glen purchased at Lowe's in Ft. Smith a self-propelled lawn mower.  He assembled it.  He did try it out in a corner of the yard.  He is all smiles with the ease of use! Old mower will be for sale for $25--not a self-propelled.  

Tomorrow is the potluck Thanksgiving lunch after worship at church.  I baked a "dump" pumpkin-pie flavored cake.  It smelled heavenly while baking.

It was enough work for us to be tired tonight!

Neighbor/friend LaDorra, from across the street, came over this morning for a wonderful, catch-up- on-summer-activities visit.

We drove across the bridge (Hwy83) to see the lake.  It is beautiful.  There is much more water now than when we left this past spring.

Falcon Lake at County Park Launch

Falcon Lake Launch

Early winter temperature this afternoon.  It was very comfortable in the shade.  Humidity is 35 percent.  Generally there is a breeze to light to heavy wind.  Now at 7:30 p.m. wind is 21-25 mph!
Marcella, Jeff. Evelyn, Gary, Jan and Bruce:  we now drive on the "new" side of the bridge.  "New" second section is being constructed, and looks not far from completion.   

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