Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017. Monday. It has been quiet!

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It was quiet on Eagle Street.

I cooked..shocking I know...a turkey breast, mashed potatoes, dressing, and corn casserole.

I ate alone as Glen was under the weather, and has stayed there until today.  He says he is feeling better today.

Several of the neighbors are visiting family away.  Jim and Dee ate lunch at El Pariasio's, a local restaurant that serves a free Thanksgiving meal.

We stayed home from church.

The weather has been wonderful. There has been a breeze to go with the upper 80-low 90's temperatures.

The birds are slowly making their way back to the suet, grape jelly, and oranges.  No orioles so far.  There is a covey of 10-15 scaled quail that come every afternoon.  Glen is feeding them a ground corn mixture.  

Enjoy your week.

I guess it is countdown to Christmas now.  How many of you went shopping on Black Friday?

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