Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29, 2017. Wednesday. Out of Town

The need for prescription refills cause us to travel to Laredo--or any place with a Walmart.  

We prepare a grocery list with shopping at Walmart in mind, not the local grocery store.  The local store tends to be over-priced, and sometimes out-of-date with the milk or eggs or anything.

Of course, going to Laredo, means we can also shop at Lowe's or Best Buy or any big box store! Shopping in Laredo also means we can eat at our favorite restaurant:  "Palenque Grill".  Oh, my, what delicious Northern Mexican cuisine.  

This trip to the pharmacy turned into a farce.  When I returned to the counter for pick up of the two prescriptions, I learned that I had brought an incorrect "new" prescription form~~~~in other words not the one that needed filling.  Of course, I was/am angry with myself.  

One filled, one still needs filling.  Another trip to Laredo in the next few days.

Glen's birthday is Sunday.  Happy Birthday, dear!  He chose and picked out what he wanted today, and brought home a 55" Vizio television for the outdoor living space.  What a picture, color and crispness, and brightness.  It makes the ten-year old tv in the motorhome look small and drab.  The new one is much too large for the motorhome!

BTW:  Glen is feeling better/well.  Yesterday he finally turned the corner to wellness.

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