Monday, December 4, 2017

December 4, 2017 Monday. Return Trip

Last Wednesday we made a trip to Laredo to refill prescriptions, and...I took the incorrect refill form with me.

Friday, we went back to Laredo to get the correct refill.  We also made a stop at Lowe's.

Last Tuesday Glen went to the first Tuesday night Jam Session.  Surprisingly to me, there were ten musicians, and about 25 in the audience.  I chose to stay home and read.

Sunday we went to church. Jim and Dee, friends on the other corner of the street, treated Glen to a birthday lunch.

The four of us then went to San Ignacio, an old settlement/village, about 15 miles north of Zapata.  There are many buildings/home that were built in the mid-1850's to near 1900.  The homes are being restored/renovated by family members.  

The walls are 2' thick; made of locally quarried limestone covered with a thin layer of mortar.  The original buildings had no windows, only 4-sectioned doors, usually located across from each other that could be opened for cross ventilation.

We toured about 10 buildings including a "fort" that was surrounded by a tall wall and used for protection of the residents from resident Indians.

It was a fun afternoon.

Today Glen and I went to Salineno, a birding sanctuary, about 30 miles south of here.  We have lamented the lack of birds in our own yard this winter.  It was evident that Salineno also had fewer birds--in numbers and varieties.  

There is a "cold" front coming through Wednesday/Thursday.  I am hopeful that the changing temps will move the birds around.  Sure would like to see the brightly colored orioles and other birds.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Note the thickness of the walls; the door in four sections (San Ignacio TX)
A table setting in one of the homes.  Note the size of the grapefruit.

A Christmas wreath made of prickly pear.  Unique and pretty.

Salineno Bird Sanctuary: for size compare the green jay with the chachalaca.

Close up of the chachalaca.

Turtle convention with an osprey in the center enjoying sushi!

Close up of the osprey.

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