Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11, 2018 "Tumblin', Tumble Weeds!"

The winds arrived with a roar this afternoon.  Tumbleweeds were scurrying across the fields, lawn chairs were scattered across the yard, satellite tripods were blown over, and the dust was flying as the 45-47 mph winds blew for several hours.

Gusts are down to 29 mph with a steady wind of 13- 15  just now at 9:00 p.m.💨

The high was 82 degrees on the truck screen and 80 here at the motorhome monitor.  No complaints in this department.

Wednesday the six of us (Gary and Evelyn*, Jeff and Marcella*, and Glen and me) went to Laredo.  We checked out the new, less than one year old, outlet mall in Laredo.  It contains about 50 high-end, name-brand stores-----Nine West, Michael Kors, Vera Bradley, Sketchers, Converse, Nike, etc.  Glen did buy two pair of shoes at the Sketcher store.  *Glen's sisters

There was a stop at the "Guitar Store" for a new capo for Marcella, and a music stand for Glen.

On to lunch at "Paraque Grill", one of our favorites.  

One more stop at Walmart for groceries before we drove back to Zapata.

This morning was the dreaded, much put-off task of "cleaning house"!  I know, there isn't much to clean.  It just isn't fun anymore!!!  

This afternoon neighbors/friends Jim and Dee came over.  It was good to see them out and about as they have suffered with the flu and complications since Christmas week end.

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