Saturday, February 10, 2018

February 10, 2018 (Saturday) "I'll Eat My Shoe!" (Still in Zapata TX)

It has been an "different" kind winter here in Zapata!  I know the folks in the middle of the US would like to have what we often gripe about!

But, there has been an awful (emphasis on "awful") lot of cloudy, drippy days with the temps not reaching 50 degrees, often with a north wind.  Here us whining and griping!  We do enjoy the sunshiny days.

There has been "music, music, music" this week.  We attended two shows at two different RV parks a week ago today as well as yesterday afternoon.

These shows are often retirement-plus aged performers with one or two back-up assistants.  Yesterday there were approximately 40 in the audience with an entry fee of $7 each.  How do these performers make a living?

Last evening the six of us were playing "19-point pitch"; two teams of three.  The team of Glen, Evelyn, and I versus the team of Jeff, Marcella, and Gary.  Two different games had ended us in tied scores and our team had won the play-off hand!  The next game the score was 50 to minus 18 not in our favor.

Marcella piped up and said "if they come back and win, I will eat my shoe!"  We made her worry for several hands, but we lost.  No shoe on her menu!  We offered suggestions to make it more tasty:  ketchup, carmel, ice cream, etc! but none was needed.

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