Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21, 2018 Wow! The days are flying! (Still in Zapata)

You will note at the bottom of the blog I attempted to load two videos.  I was not successful, but can't figure out how to delete them.  IGNORE the videos.

The past ten days......
  • we celebrated with Dale and Freda, a neighborhood couple, who is moving to Florida to live with their daughter.  We will miss them.   

  • we celebrated Del's 93rd birthday at the local bakery.  Several friends met there to share care and offer birthday wishes.  Del and wife Jean attend church with us.  His wishes on his birthday: "may you all live to be 93 and have half as much fun as I have!"  Del still plays his harmonica each Tuesday night at Jam Session, and each Sunday morning at worship service.

  • we made a trip to Laredo to "fill Mother Hubbard's cupboard!".  Sometimes we just have to shop at Walmart.

  • attended Jam sessions on Sunday afternoon, February 11, and each Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday!  Gary and Jeff handle the "roadie" duties--carry the equipment and assist Glen in sitting up the stands, mikes, and cords.

  • Monday, February 19, we---Marcella/Jeff, Evelyn/Gary, and Glen and I--prepared lunch for the family of Fred and Gay, our friends from Oklahoma.  Their daughter, daughter in law, two granddaughters, and one great-granddaughter were visiting for a few days.  

  • the weather has changed! Finally temps have reached the 80's and beyond.  The past three days the high was been 91 degrees!  We are enjoying sitting outside without worrying about carrying a jacket!
Fred, Gay, Val, Kiley, Brook with Remington Rose, Evelyn, Marcella, and Arleta.  Glen shared his space and mike with Arleta.  This is the Monday night Jam session!

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