Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 22, 2018 A Fun Day

Our gang---Gary and Evelyn, Jeff and Marcella, Glen and I, left early (7:30) this morning heading to the south.  

Our goal was Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge near Donna, TX; the other four went to Nuevo Progreso Mexico.

We walked one trail at Santa Ana, then rode the trolley through the NWR for 90 minutes.  The tour leader was a retired history leader, and was excellent at delivering information..

We left Santa Ana, driving about 15 miles to the Riverside Club (in Mission TX), a restaurant, entertainment center, as well as providing a one-hour (pontoon) boat ride south on the Rio Grande River; or, a two-hour boat ride north on the Rio Grande River.

It was a jacket day--cloudy and temps in the 50's.  We drove home in a mist/light rain.

Following are pictures from the day's adventures.  The other four of Our Gang joined us at Riverside Club.

Cole slaw, anyone?  Fields ready for harvest.

Next 8 pics are in Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Donna, TX
Harris Hawk

Indigo snake, on display in Visitor's Center

Texas Tortoise

Red squirrel enjoying the BIRD seeds.
Huisache tree in bloom.

Glen at entrance to 150-year old cementerio--not cemetery,  Cementerio contains vaults/crypts above ground.

Wooden fence made of ebony wood 150-year old (plus)

Trees adorned with Spanish moss
 Now we are at the Riverside Club, ready for departure for the two-hour cruise on the Rio Grande River.
R to L: Glen, Marcella, Jeff, Evelyn, Gary

I am not sure this is politically correct but the boat captain called these "Mexican lawnmowers"!

Unrepaired damage to building of a private recreation area on Mexican side of river from Hurricane Alex in 2010.

Note difference in roofs'.  This has been repaired/restored.

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