Sunday, April 15, 2018


Crossing on the 24-hour vehicle ferry this morning we left Mustang Island, heading north about 17 miles to the towns of Rockport/Fulton and then on to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.

The towns of Rockport/Fulton show much more widespread damage, maybe because it is a bigger area, than here on Mustang Island.  There are MANY buildings (residences and commercial) that are not repaired.

Coming into town we spotted a rockery, which is a nesting site for water birds, in the tops of a grove of live oak trees.  Wow, we could have watched them for hours.

Get ready.  Here comes the bird pictures. Remember to click to enlarge.

(white) Great Egrets and (gray) Great Blue Herons.  Can you see the baby herons?

The rookery: nesting sites

Great Egret showing off his feathery plumes

Great Blue Herons

A mix of egrets and herons

This is a Ruddy Turnstone, on a wall along the bay.

Now it is time for lunch at "Charlotte Plummers", one of our favorite places.  Glen enjoyed lump crab cakes, and I dined on a small portion of oysters and shrimp.  No room for dessert.  Stay tuned.

We then traveled to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, north of Rockport about 25 miles.  This refuge is home to one of the groups of Whooping Cranes still left in existence.  It is getting very close to the time they migrate back to NW Canada.  They were seen yesterday in the refuge.  We did not see them today.  

Greater Yellowlegs

Pied Billed Grebe

Black necked Stilt

Spring flowers

White Ibis

A deer (obviously), maybe a black tailed
"Charlotte Plummers", part two.  It was dessert time by the time we left Aransas NWR, and made it back to Rockport.  The restaurant is famous for their bread pudding, which was Glen's choice.  My choice was cheesecake.  Both scrumptious!  Yum, Yum!

Tired of birds? Can't be yet.  Stay tuned for tomorrow!

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