Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018 Tuesday One More Day Trip (Pioneer RV Park, Mustang Island, Port Aransas TX)

All of the sightseeing has been to the north; today we went south.

Mustang Island State Park is closed for repairs due to Hurricane Harvey.  At the point where a channel of water separates Mustang Island from Padre Island we went toward to Gulf of Mexico to Padre Island National Seashore.  

There are two primitive campgrounds with no hook ups but beautiful views!

We found one area that was dedicated to wind surfing.  There were ten surfers in/on the water.  In conversation with someone on shore we learned that the average age of the surfers was 65.  One of the surfers was age 76 and a retired ER physician.

It is fun to watch!

Water was waist deep at the most.

Walking into deeper water, stepping up onto the board.

Getting ready to surf.

Off they go!
Gulf of Mexico from the Visitors' Center at Padre Island National Seashore
One thing we learned at the Visitors' Center is that at one point in time Padre Island and Mustang Island was all one island.  The channel separating the two islands is man made.  Why?  I don't know.

It has been a great week--windy--but great.  Hearing about hurricane damage is one thing; seeing it is another reality.   It is very long term; and another hurricane season is getting ready to begin.

It is on to Houston in the morning!

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