Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018 The Past Week (Arrived in Greenwood AR)

Thursday, April 19, Glen met with his doctor at MD Anderson, and after reviewing the lab work, learned that he is doing great.  The lab numbers indicate everything is stable, which is good.

Friday, it was a long day as we left Pioneer RV Resort/Park at 7:35 A.M. and arrived in Greenwood AR nearly ten hours later.

We had a great reunion with Trisha, and Tanner, and Jeff over the week end.  
Jeff is very busy with flying for American Airlines.

Trisha and Tanner are counting down the days to the end of school.  As a senior Tanner just has ten or so days left.  Trisha is not returning to teaching so she is very interested in the "last day of school."

We celebrated Tanner's 18th birthday last night at Fuji's Sushi Bar in Ft. Smith AR.

Tanner and Glen

Tanner with his favorite: selection of sushi

Gayla, Tanner, Gayla

Tanner, Glen, Gayla, Trisha

Tanner, Glen, Gayla, Jeff, Trisha
I reveled in a much needed massage this morning.  Ah, the relief, the disappearance of all the stress in  my shoulders and back.  

There are more fun time coming the next days and weeks.  Stay tuned.

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