Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 28, 2018 The Last High School Function (still in Greenwood AR)

Tanner participated in the last high school function (except for graduation) Saturday, April 28, at the Regional Trap Shoot in Jacksonville Arkansas.

Tanner's team did well but did not qualify for State Competition.  He was second high shooter for his team--38 out of 50.  

It was a great day to be outdoors, 85 degrees, sunny, and breezy.

Here's some photos from the day.

Glen, Tanner, Gayla, Trisha

Natalie Burklow and Chandler Henning, joined us for the day.

Gayla, Trisha, Jeff; Natalie and Chandler

Trisha and Tanner

Trisha, Tanner, Jeff

Glen, Tanner, Gayla

Trisha, Glen, Gayla


Tanner, Gayla


Tanner in action
When the trap shoot was finished we headed west to Russellville Arkansas, home of Arkansas Technical University, where Brady is finishing his sophomore year.

Brady is nearly finished, ready to clean out the apartment.  We loaded things in both trucks, then went to dinner.

Left front: Tanner, Trisha; Right front: Brady Wilkinson, Gayla, Glen

Front: Jeff Burklow, Trisha Burklow, Tanner Wilkinson, Brady Wilkinson

One more special day this week!  Stay tuned.

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