Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 12, 2018 (Sunday) SUMMER HIBERNATION HAS BEGUN! (Landing Point RV Park, CGMO)

Ugg!  It is HOT.  Summer-like temperatures started ten days or ago.  It is too hot for outdoor activities.  Temperatures have been in the upper nineties to over 100 (2--3 days).  

Darin and Zade are baseball practice (3:30 pm.).  Glad I don't have to watch!

The past days are have been filled with lots of being indoors, interspersed with a couple of dental appointments.  We received a call at two p.m. one afternoon to see if we wanted to re-schedule an appointment with our opthamalogist.  We shook our head in disbelief as we had just plain-ole forgot the one o'clock appointment, never entered our mind.  

Missing an appointment is against our religion.  We just don't do that.  

There is a city-owned water park not far from the RV park.  Monday-Thursday the "Lazy River" portion of the water park is open from 9:15 to 10:45 for Walking.  Eight laps are one mile.  We walked each day last week.  It is much more fun and cooler than walking around a track!

Saturday we drove to Poplar Bluff (one hour and 15 minutes) where we lived during our working years to visit with friends Donna and Tom.  Also friend Jim (formerly from PB) is in the process of driving from Colorado to Richmond VA.

Jim lives with his son and family.  Kyle has accepted a new job in the Richmond area.  

Tuesday the motorhome has two appointments.  At Wiethop Truck the load-leveler valve control for the rear end is going to be replaced.  That afternoon Capetown RV is going to repair the ice making machine.

There are baseball games the next two weeks.  A tourney will end the season the week-end of June 23-24.

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