Sunday, June 17, 2018

June 17, 2018 FATHERS's Day-Private Chef

We spent lunch and the afternoon with Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn, and Zade .

Sarah's folks also joined the family group for the lunch/afternoon.

Chef Darin prepared brisket and shrimp wrapped with bacon on the smoker, accompanied by potato salad, slaw, corn on the cob and cornbread.  YUM!   Later in the afternoon we enjoyed cheesecake.

Some of the group watched the end of the golf tournament.  It was boys vs girls--Zade and Grandpa Al vs. Ashlynn and Grammy Gayla--in a game of spades.  It went down to the last hand and the boys won!  

High today was 102 degrees.  All the shades are pulled on the windows, making it look like a cave, but helps with the cooling.  We are thankful for working air conditioning.

There are a couple of appointments on Tuesday, with nothing else on the calendar.

I expect we will stay indoors, hibernating from the excessive, not normal for June, heat

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