Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 24, 2018 9Tuesday) Exploring Eastport, Maine

All ten of us....
Glen and Gayla 
Gary and Evelyn
Dick and Myrna
Jeff and Marcella
Doug and Millie (family name Mildred)

drove nearly one hour to Eastport Maine.  We could have ridden a passenger ferry from Lubec to Eastport for $25 per person one way.

Passenger Ferry

Eastport is another lobstering/sardine cannery town, similar to Lubec.  Eastport seems be a bit more prosperous, restoring the historic downtown area.

See next picture.

These statutes were situated along the bay in Eastport.

We had a delicious lunch at Quoddy Bay Seafood Wholesale and Retail.  Our choice was a scallop roll accompanied by a bowl of seafood chowder.  

Steaming with the lobsters.

There was a door that said "For Employees Only."  I stuck my head in and asked if I could take pictures.  I was invited in and found a stash of lobsters.This facility buys lobsters from the fishermen, sells wholesale and retail, and at a walk up window prepares a delicious lunch for customers.

Waiting for sorting and weighing.

The employee guessed this lobster to be 2.5 pounds.  He wasn't far off--2.3 pounds.

These crates contained lobster waiting to be sorted and weighed.  Glen  read that in 2011 100 million pounds of lobster were sold in Maine.

An abandoned sardine cannery.

A general cargo ship, the Star Lygra, flying the flag of the Marshall Islands, going through the channel at Eastport, Maine.  When we arrived back in Lubec, this ship was docked across the bay at Campobello Island, New Brunswick Canada

The town of Perry isn't visible from the highway, but does have a strategic location.

Today's fun came to an end when we returned to Lubec.  It was Laundry time!  

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