Monday, July 23, 2018

July 23, 2018 Exploration of CAMPOBELLO ISLAND, New Brunswick, Canada

Eight of us, two trucks, drove over the FDR International Bridge, just two-three miles from the RV park, to Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada.

The parents of Franklin Delano Roosevelt came to Campbello Island as young marrieds and continued throughout FDR's young life.  Spending the summer months here enabled visitors to escape the heat of the big cities--NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Toronto.  

After marriage Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt continued to spend summers on the island until he became a candidate for president.

The island abounds in beautiful ocean views.  We toured the Visitor's Center of the Roosevelt Campbell International Park, which is a joint endeavor of USA and Canada.

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Welcome to the Roosevelt Campbello International Park.  Notice FDR's initials in the logo.

Head Harbour Lightstation 

Jeff and Marcella checking out the beach at Herring Cove

Doug and Mildred checking for treasures

Beauty along the beach

Brightly colored stones along the beach.
Glen, Evelyn, Gary, Mildred
Think they were afraid of each other?

Gary, Evelyn, Glen
Glen's artistic creation

It was a beautiful day to be out and about.  The day ended with music and vocals from the Hickey sibs.

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