Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 28-29, 2018 Saturday and Sunday MAIL FORWARDING WOES

Glen and I, along with most everyone else, were at the local city Farmers' Market at 9:00 a.m.  We stood in line to buy fresh carrots, and snap peas, and a strawberry rhubarb pie.  The booth also had fennel, several types of lettuce, beets,  and cauliflower for sale.

We browsed several other booths selling craft-type items.  

The rest of the day was quiet, but included supper together at six.  Myrna and Dick prepared a pasta dish.  The rest of us furnished side dishes.  I roasted the fresh carrots in the oven for my contribution. For dessert we shared the strawberry-rhubarb pie which was delicious.

I prepared pancakes with fresh wild Maine blueberries this morning for breakfast.

We sat outdoors and visited with Gary and Jeff while Marcella, Mildred, Myrna, Evelyn, and Doug found a hiking trail.  The trail was lined with ripe wild blueberries.  They each brought some home.  

For lunch Glen and I went to The Wharf, our favorite restaurant in Lubec.  I tried a new dish--lobster stew.  Oh my, how delicious.  "Stew" is rather misleading as the dish only contained seasoned cream and many pieces of lobster.  There were no vegetables in the stew.  Glen enjoyed "fish and chips".  

You might sense a theme or favorite subject which includes all of our family group.  Eating!

Tonight for supper Mildred and Doug prepared pork ribs, Gary and Evelyn furnished sliced beef.  I prepared corn casserole.  The meal was finished with lemon bars prepared by Gary.

This day was been quite enjoyable.  There was sunshine all day. cooled by a gentle breeze, with no fog to cover the water.  

Mail Forwarding
As  "full timing" RV-ers, we have used a mail-forwarding service/company in Madison SD to received our mail, then "forward" it to us when and where we want it delivered.

Myrna, Marcella and Jeff, and Mildred and Doug also use the same service.  Late last week we learned that the company/service has gone out of business---with only 3 days notice.   Poof!  one day they were in business, the next day they weren't.  They are "returning to sender" any mail received after July 26.  

All of our important business is taken care of on-line; however that doesn't mean there won't be many contacts to be made about a change of address.

We will be "moving" to Sioux Falls, SD.  It isn't going to be a quick process as there are over 3000 customers also looking for a new forwarding company/service.  

I will let you know when paperwork is finalized and we have a new address.  You may leave a comment on this, or send us a text if you want our new address.  We are starting a list for the "change of address".  A reminder from you will help us.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, we would like your new address!!! Dave & Laurie
