Wednesday, August 1, 2018

July 30-31, August 1, 2018 Catching Up! (Still at Sunset Point RV Park, Lubec Maine)

I will see if I remember what we did Monday and Tuesday.

Oh, yes.  DIRECTV conversations.  To make a three day ordeal shorter, I will say this:
I tried to add or upgrade the programming package on Monday.  By Monday afternoon. the upgrade was not done, and we lost the sports package we also subscribed to.

Several hours later Monday evening the support tech told me his computer was upgrading and he would call me back Tuesday morning at 11:30 when he came back to work.  WRONG.  That afternoon another tech told me her computer was upgrading and to call back in three hours.  Second tech of Tuesday said her computer couldn't do what was needed to restore the sports package.  By this time, I did get the original programming back but still no sports--we are talking St. Louis Cardinals' game, people!  This second tech said she would leave a note to EXPEDITE the restoration and it should be done by yesterday evening at the latest.

We had a day trip today, and when we returned at 4:00, still no sports package.  Conversation with Wednesday tech indicated the account said we were in Mass. instead of Maine.  He and a manager did  get the sports package restored.  So they said.  At six tonight there was a tennis game on the channel.  At 7 Cardinals talk show started, for 30 minutes, and went away.  There is now a message saying we are not subscribed to this channel.  Still no Cardinals' game.

Arrg!  This is maddening.  It is too late tonight to start again.  That will be for Thursday sometime.  I literally have spent hours on this.

Today, Wednesday, eight of us: Glen and Gayla, Doug and Mildred, Gary and Evelyn, and Jeff and Marcella drove north and east, across the Canadian border, to the touristy town of St. Andrews on the Bay, New Brunswick, Canada.  

It is quaint, full of tourist shops, a pretty marina, and views of the St. Croix River.

There's a reason this is called "Sunset Point", Lubec Maine

The Singing Hickeys: except for Gary on left!! then Evelyn, Glen, Myrna, Marcella

We crossed the border!

The Algonquin Resort, St. Andrews by the Bay, New Brunswick, CAN

One of many murals in St. Andrews

Attractive light pole on marina.

Repurposing the telephone booth:  wine cooler

Not a WATER feature, but a WINE feature.

We enjoyed a most delicious
 lunch here.  The seafood alfredo and strawberry pie was all made in-house.

This is a fuschia.  I have never seen this color.

Sailing class on the St. Croix River

Pendlebury Lighthouse, St. Croix River, St. Andrews, NB, CAN
We entered the USA at Calais (say "callus) Maine, stopped at Walmart, and returned to Lubec.  Despite those "moose crossing" signs, we didn't see one.

Myrna and Dick had company this evening.  Rocky and Susan, former neighbors/and friends from Winston-Salem NC, with another couple, stopped for a visit and dinner.  We had previously met Rocky/Susan at the funeral of Myrna's husband Roger.  We were able to say "hello" and enjoy a short visit.  

There are plans for tomorrow!!!

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