Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 4 2018 Saturday. Fog Fest

Friday the rest of the family group went to Campobello Island for Fog Fest.  They enjoyed three music groups that played a variety of musical genres.

This afternoon we went with everyone except Dick and Myrna.  We enjoyed the first two acts; each a solo act.  The third group started tuning their electric guitars and setting up the big drum set. We were suspicious that this was going to be a loud rock band.  After the first two songs we knew it was time to leave.  As Glen described the band, “they made my ears hurt!”

Check on FB for a  couple of pictures from this afternoon.  I started this on my iPhone, but am finishing it on the desktop; but....can't get the pictures from the phone.  Technical difficulties.

Last night Glen built a fire in the fire pit.  Several of us enjoyed the sunset.

Bonnie, the well-traveled terrier, even joined us around the fire pit.  I am sure you are noticing that many of us have a blanket thrown over our legs.

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