Thursday, August 2, 2018

August 2, 2018 Thursday . . . Head Harbour Lightstation, Campbell Island, New Brunswick, Canada

We have been here two weeks today: days filled with family time, shared meals, lobster boils, day trips, beautiful sunsets, whales, dolphins, bald eagles, time to read, and music.  What a wonderful time.

And....just two more weeks before we leave!

Today nine of us, all except Dick, drove through the border station, to the island of Campobello, which is in New Brunswick, Canada.  At the tip of the island is a beautiful light station called Head Harbour.

Head Harbour is the second oldest lighthouse in the province.  To access the harbour one must wait for low tide as it is only accessible by foot.

"The lighthouse was built in 1829 as a means of helping ships in the area navigate the famous Bay of Fundy fog high tides, and the treacherous rocks surrounding Campobello Island." (Tourism brochure)

The original octagonal wooden tower is still in use.  The light still shines into the bay, but it is no longer staffed.

I should mention that the morning crossing (9:15 a.m.) was warm and humid, with attacking mosquitoes by the horde!  I can't speak for anyone else but I was huffing and puffing and wet with perspiration!

The land bridge from the mainland to the site of the lightstation

Head Harbour Lightstation

During high tide this area is covered by the ocean.

Myrna climbing the second set of steps.

Gayla, resting and doing some deep breathing.

Head Harbour Lightstation

Raising Atlantic Salmon in the bay near the lightstation.

The butterfly found the thistle nectar.

Glen and I are preparing taco meat for our family group for supper tonight.

Note:  Today I think we FINALLY got the issues with Directv solved.  I know I am going to never change anything with our programming ever again.  

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