Monday, September 3, 2018

August 29-September 3, 2018 Routine (or) Life as Usual

We are going to be here in Cape Girardeau the next few months, watching our house go "up".

The slab foundation was poured last week.  Framing will be the next part of construction.  

Life goes on in a routine, much like those not living in a motor home.  Especially, when it is as hot as it is now.  Heat indices have been over 100 degrees the past several days.  We, as you know, just hibernate!

We stay in, read, play games, and stay cool!

Darin and family have been gone over the holiday week end.  Glen retrieved "Max" from doggy day care last night, taking him to his/their house.  Max was happy to be there.  Glen is taking Max outdoors several times today.  Darin/Sarah/kids will be home this afternoon.

Our favorite furniture store is having a "Labor Day" sale.  We have looked and sat in several sofas and chairs.  They are more than happy to "hold" anything we buy until December --or whenever delivery would be made.

Blogs will slow down to once a week unless something exciting or unusual occurs.

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