Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 9, 2018 A New Week

The older one gets the more medical attention is needed!  Profound sentiment.

Glen discussed back issues with the back doctor.  Consequently he has tests next week.  I conferred with the gastroenterologist, including a routine colonoscopy.  Consequently I have a prescription
for stomach issues (that I didn't even know I had).  Glen and I both saw the ophthalmologist.  Hurray!  Our eyes are doing great!  "See you in a year!"

Preparing for a colonoscopy is not a pleasant experience as I am sure you know.  Surely some doctor/researcher can invent a new formula for completion of that procedure.  😠

Hope that wasn't too much information!

Glen attended the annual picnic hosted by "M & A Electric Power Cooperative" Saturday at Lake Wapappello.  Glen renewed friendships with other retirees and met new-to-him employees.  As of December 2018 Glen will have been retired eleven years.  

There was a good rain Friday night, 3.25" accumulation.  It was enough to cancel the SEMO Fair parade scheduled for Saturday morning.  

We have watched the driveway be completed at our "new" house as well as the "storm room" in the master bedroom.  All of the concrete work is now finished.  We assume framing the walls/roof will be the next step.  The storm room has concrete walls and roof; an easy and convenient place to wait out a storm.  

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