Friday, October 12, 2018

October 12, 2018 (Friday) It Feels Like Fall Out!

The first year we were married Glen was working on a research paper on "radiation, Cold War, fall-out" etc.  One fall week end I made the statement that it "smells like fall out!"  Glen was taken aback, wondering how I knew what "fall out" smells like!

"Fall-out" has been a family joke ever since. (It doesn't take much to amuse us!)  We can smell "fall out", or feel "fall out", or see "fall out"!

Since it has been three weeks since I last wrote, I will bring you up to date, starting with the most recent.

It does feel like "fall out"!  The past two days we have used the heat pump in the mornings and the air conditioner in the afternoon.

We are located in Greenwood, Arkansas.  There is very little color in the leaves of the forest.  

Our daughter Trisha while touring Europe the first half of September stepped and turned her foot in an unusual manner.  She knew she had injured it, but soldiered on during the remaining trip.  As soon as she returned to US, she had an appointment with her family doctor then an orthopedic
specialist.  She learned she had broken a bone at the base of her pinky toe.  The break was causing the toe to curl under and would eventually affect her balance.  She had surgery nine days ago.  She is in a cast and puts no weight at all on the foot.

The surgeon put in a metal plate and screws into her foot, aligning the bones.  Next Thursday she will have stitches removed and change from the cast to a boot.

We have been here since last Saturday, keeping her company.  Tanner goes to college classes; Jeff is flying; and Brady is 90 minutes away at college also.

We will return to Cape Girardeau next Tuesday.  Things are happening at our house.  We talked to builder today.  The windows are in, insulation is being blown in today.  Next week the back and front doors will be installed; and sheet rock on the walls will be started.  

Last Saturday on the trip from Cape Girardeau to Greenwood, the motorhome had a blow out on the front left tire.  Glen was driving in the right lane of I-40 when the blowout occurred.  He skillfully guided the motor home to the left lane, then back into the right lane and off to the side of the road.  Thankfully there were no vehicles on either side of the motorhome during the wild ride. 

There is damage to the left side of the motorhome.  An insurance adjuster has been here, videoed the damage and will forward the video to the main adjuster.  Repairs will be done in the Cape Girardeau area.  

Glen has always insisted that we carry an unmounted spare tire (for the mh) with us.  That insistence paid off as the mechanic removed the blown out tire, used the wheel to mount the spare.  The wheel had some damage but is useable.  

Zade, our youngest grandson, plays fall baseball and flag football this season.  We enjoy watching both sports. Zade is a versatile baseball player.  He plays catcher, first baseman, and pitcher for the team, but likes first baseman best.

The flag football team has five players.  Zade plays both offense and defense.  

Ashlynn is taking a break from gymnastics, playing volleyball.  She has been taking some extra classes in serving and spiking (yes, in sixth grade).  The games start this coming week.  

When we are in CG we make one -or two -or three trips a day to check on the house.  We don't want to miss anything!!! 

Glen expected to be in Seattle WA this week for the Dak To, Vietnam, Army reunion.  However, because of inclement weather in Dallas, the first and second leg of the flights were cancelled.  Trisha had planned to go with him, but because of her foot injury, he was going by himself.  I don't think I can fly anymore.  The thought of being on a plane for hours on a runway causes my claustrophobia to flair.  He wasn't looking forward to flying alone so the cancellations took care of that undecidedness.

One more note:  The air conditioner on the pick up is repaired; the ice maker makes ice in the motor home, and the hot water heater heats in the motor home.  Now--just repairs from the blow out to look forward to!!

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